By trail, road, and water—we embark on extraordinary journeys everyday. These journeys begin in our dreams and eventually define our lives. How we fuel our bodies daily on a run should be in sync with how we fuel our daily lives. Hüma, is a 100% all-natural, great tasting energy gel and protein smoothie —promoting a healthy lifestyle while providing nutrients to help runners better endure whatever comes their way. Hüma was inspired by the Tarahumara, a tribe of Mexican Indians. These great runners have been known to run 100 miles+ journeys, powered by chia.

Like all endurance energy gels, Hüma is a tool for glycogen supplementation. What’s that you ask? Funny, lots of people ask! When you exercise for more than 45 minutes, you run the risk of hypoglycemic shock, a.k.a "bonking”. Bonking occurs when your body runs out of its glycogen stores, a.k.a. energy! Hüma provides an alternative fuel source (energy gel) that is 100% all-natural, tastes great and is actually healthy for you—so your glycogen lasts longer and you can go further while enjoying the day.
Hüma is proud to put energy gels into runner’s hands that will leave stomachs happy (say goodbye to GI distress), actually taste good (ask our nephews, they didn’t barf!), are made from 100% all-natural ingredients, and will help you achieve your goals while eating something that is actually healthy for your body.

The idea for Hüma was born in the sands of Iraq. In 2009, a US Army soldier 1st Lieutenant named Ian was leading grueling missions throughout Iraq. During his breaks he read the book Born to Run about the Tarahumara, a native Mexican tribe who compete in epic 100+ mile races as part of their culture. To fuel themselves on these ultra marathons, they use a special chia seed blend. 1LT Ian figured if it worked for them in Mexico, maybe it would work for him in Iraq.
It did. In fact, it worked so well that he kept experimenting with it, which led to the creation of Hüma. Today, Hüma brings together Tarahumara tradition, sports nutrition research, healthy ingredients and great taste as our best shot at helping you enjoy your energy gel.
Hüma is a veteran-owned company that was started in 2012 by Ian and Kevin, two young grad-school students who were tired of awful energy gels. Hüma gels were officially introduced in November 2012 and have since become the best-selling all-natural energy gel in the world!