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Recovery Smoothies

Recovery Smoothies


Recovery Smoothies


Whole Body Recovery 

Joints. Muscles. Heart. Bones.
Basically, your whole body.
Collagen + Whey helps ALL of you recover for the next workout.

Shipping rates:

$0 to $5.99 — $5.99
$59.99 or less — $8.49
Over $60 subtotal — Free Shipping*

*does not include discounts or promotions

Product Description

  • 10g of Collagen + 5g Whey Protein: Joints. Muscles. Heart. Bones. Hair. Research indicates Collagen Protein benefits all of them. We pair our collagen fuel with premium whey protein for maximum muscle repair so you have the ultimate post-workout supplement for your intense workouts. 
  • Natural, Real-Food Ingredients: Collagen + Whey protein, 21g of fruit-based carbs, bananas & sea salt for 700+ mg of Sodium & Potassium, and 4g healthy fats. 
  • Electrolytes (Recovery Blend): 280mg Sodium, 340mg Potassium, 50mg Calcium, 40mg Magnesium.
  • Eat Anywhere: Ready-to-drink pouches with no prep work. Tired of cleaning your blender, bottle, or cup? No muss no fuss cleanup, and tastes like your favorite fruit protein smoothie.
  • Zero Added Sugar. Gluten Free. Soy Free. No artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colors, or flavors.




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